About Us
Our Mission
It is our strong desire that the Ellis County Outdoorsman Church will quickly become a bright and shining light in the community, and that lost souls and hungry hearts will be drawn to us, saying with the same fervent desire that prompted seekers to say to Philip (John 12:21) “Sir, we would see Jesus.”

Our Vision
We envision that the Ellis County Outdoorsman Church, in Midlothian, TX, will attract individuals and sportsmen families from in and around the surrounding neighborhoods and cities, who enjoy outdoor activities (not limited to hunting, fishing, camping, etc). We believe our church will become a significant means of outreach to the unbelieving, the unchurched, and the unconnected.
We shall employ every effort in equipping the congregation with biblical principles-molding strong discipleship and future leadership in our church body while empowering it with Christian ethics essential for service in our local communities.